Open the privacy policy document.
The Screen Capture extension allows you to take a screenshot of the actual page you're viewing. This is done by clicking the extension's icon in Chrome's toolbar. By doing this, the extension will capture a screenshot and will open a new tab with this screenshot, so you can save it. The extension will not share this screenshot with any third party nor store it anywhere: if the screenshot is not saved to the local drive, it is essentially lost.
Open the privacy policy document.
The New Tab Apps, Screen Capture (both stable and beta versions), Duplibot, Hide downloads shelf and Report Webpages extensions do not access user data except for the purpose for which the extension was developed (e.g. in the case of the Screen Capture extension, it takes a screenshot of the current page, or in the case of the Report Webpages extension, it retrieves the current URL to open the report page with the URL autofilled). No data whatsoever is collected by the extension developer.
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